Here is the full video of my in-depth conversation with Ryan Holiday about Stoicism and Marcus Aurelius.

For a limited time, Amazon US are offering 40% off the hardback edition of Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor, my new biography from Yale University Press’ Ancient Lives series.
We are very pleased to announce that the audiobook of Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor is now available from Amazon, Audible, Barnes and Noble and other retailers. It was originally due for release on Feb 6th in the US and Canada but my publisher says a technical glitch with the file format, unfortunately, delayed the upload. It’s finally here, though!
Simply retweet the post below on Twitter for a chance to win a download of the audiobook. (See the thread on Twitter for Terms and Conditions.)
I hope you enjoy the book. Please consider leaving a review on Goodreads or Amazon. It really helps us and we’re always grateful to hear your feedback.
I wanted to thank all of you for helping to support my work. My latest book, Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor, was published in 6th Feb by Yale University Press, as part of their Ancient Lives series. (It comes out on March 16th in the UK.) It’s been at the top of the Amazon charts in several categories for weeks and has been chosen as a staff pick on the Barnes and Noble website. NB: The hardback is currently 10% off and the Kindle is, I think, half-price on Amazon US! (The audiobook is available on Barnes and Noble already and will be on Audible very soon.)
Your feedback gives us an invaluable sense of what readers enjoy…
Early reviews have already started to appear on Amazon and Goodreads. If you’ve posted a review or are planning to do so, we thank you, as your feedback really helps us, and it gives us an invaluable sense of what readers enjoy. So please do let me know what you think of the book once you’ve had a chance to read it.
Below you can read an excerpt from the beginning of my latest book, Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor, which is part of the Yale University Press Ancient Lives series.
It is due out in Feb 2024 but you can help it reach more people by pre-ordering your copy. Ebook and audiobook (narrated by me) editions will be forthcoming. Please get your copy today from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or other retailers via the publisher’s website. Thanks for your support!
Most of us, of course, are interested in Marcus because of the famous book attributed to him. The Meditations has become one of the most cherished self-improvement classics of all time. It has had a profound influence on many different individuals throughout history. Modern appreciation of it began when the first printed edition of the Greek manuscript was published in 1558, bearing the title “To himself” (Ta eis heauton), along with a Latin translation. In 1634, the first English translation appeared under the title Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the Roman Emperor, his Meditations Concerning Himself. The use of this term eventually stuck and it is now common to abbreviate the title simply to the Meditations.
Marcus tells himself that nothing can prevent him from living in agreement with nature, although he often struggled to do so in practice.
So what are the core teachings “to himself” described in the Meditations? First of all, the Stoics defined humanity’s supreme goal as “living in agreement with nature”. Although Marcus only uses the word “Stoic” once, he often uses this slogan. He gives thanks that his tutors provided him with frequent examples of what “living in agreement with nature” meant in practice, in their daily lives. He also tells himself that nothing can prevent him from living in agreement with nature, just like they did, although he often struggled to do so in practice.
“In agreement with nature”, for the Stoics, meant rationally because they considered reason to be the highest human faculty. If we lived consistently in accord with reason, we would perfect our nature and attain the virtue of wisdom. If we apply such wisdom in our relationships with others, treating them honestly and fairly, we achieve the social virtue of justice. In order to live more fully in accord with wisdom and justice, though, we need to master any fears and desires that threaten to lead us astray. That calls for courage and moderation, giving us the four “cardinal virtues” of ancient Stoicism: wisdom, justice, fortitude, and temperance. The Stoic goal of life can also be understood, in this sense, as “living in accord with virtue”, as long as we bear in mind that all the virtues are taken by them to be forms of moral wisdom.
Although the wise are not highly perturbed by misfortune, neither are they completely unfeeling. Marcus, as we’ve seen, could be described as quite a sensitive man. He gradually trained himself to manage his emotions better, by examining them rationally rather than merely suppressing them. Stoicism taught him to view external events, i.e., events beyond our direct control, as of secondary importance. Marcus thereby learned a kind of psychological therapy, designed to free him from unhealthy passions, a state of mind called apatheia by the Stoics. Almost everything he says about philosophy can be related back to this basic goal of living in agreement with Nature, free from unhealthy emotions. This book includes over a hundred such references tothe Meditations, which have been carefully interspersed in order to highlight various connections between Marcus’ Stoic principles and the events of his life.
Who was Marcus, though? Many today came to know him through his portrayal by Richard Harris in the movie Gladiator (2000) and a few may recall Alec Guinness in The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964) – these are only very loosely based on history. Sometimes people assume that we know little or nothing about the facts of Marcus’ life. Fortunately, that is not the case. Indeed, we know more about him than about any other Stoic, or most other ancient philosophers. Three main Roman histories survive that describe his life and character: the Historia Romana of Cassius Dio, Herodian’s History of the Empire from the Death of Marcus, and the Historia Augusta. We also possess a cache of private letters between Marcus and his rhetoric tutor, which give us an exceptional insight into his private life as Caesar, and later as emperor.
It’s finally here! I can now announce my latest book, a philosophical biography called Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor, part of the Yale University Press Ancient Lives series. When the series editor, James Romm, contacted me I was very pleased because although there are already several excellent biographies of Marcus Aurelius, I always felt there was something missing. I wanted to write a biography that said more about Stoic philosophy and how it influenced Marcus’ life as a young man, and later his actions as emperor. I hope I achieved that, while also giving the reader a few ideas they can take away and benefit from in their own lives.
The book is now available for pre-order in hardback, due out 7th Feb 2024. Ebook and audiobook edition will be forthcoming (narrated by me). You can get a copy now from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retailers via the publisher’s website. NB: This title is eligible for Amazon’s pre-order price guarantee, which means that if you order your copy now, not only will you be helping the author (!) but you will also be more likely to benefit from certain discounts off the price. (See Amazon’s website for terms and conditions.)
Experience the world of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and the tremendous challenges he faced and overcame with the help of Stoic philosophy.
Yales’ Ancient Lives series consists of titles by leading academics who unfold the stories of thinkers, writers, kings, queens, conquerors, and politicians from all parts of the ancient world. The aim is for readers to come to know these figures in fully human dimensions, complete with foibles and flaws, and to see that the issues they faced—political conflicts, constraints based in gender or race, tensions between the private and public self—have changed very little over the course of millennia.
Add this title to your Goodreads bookshelf.
This novel biography brings Marcus Aurelius (121–180 CE) to life for a new generation of readers by exploring the emperor’s fascinating psychological journey. Donald J. Robertson examines Marcus’s relationships with key figures in his life, such as his mother, Domitia Lucilla, and the emperor Hadrian, as well as his Stoic tutors. He draws extensively on Marcus’s own Meditations and correspondence, and he examines the emperor’s actions as detailed in the Augustan History and other ancient texts.
Marcus Aurelius struggled to reconcile his philosophy and moral values with the political pressures he faced as emperor at the height of Roman power. Robertson examines Marcus’s attitude toward slavery and the moral dilemma posed by capturing enemies in warfare; his attitude toward women; the role of Stoicism in shaping his response to the threat of civil war; the treatment of Christians under his rule; and the naming of his notorious son Commodus as his successor.
Throughout, the Meditations is used to shed light on the mind of the emperor—his character, values, and motives—as Robertson skillfully weaves together Marcus’s inner journey as a philosopher with the outer events of his life as a Roman emperor.
Sign up for our Substack newsletter to download this new Marcus Aurelius poster, with artwork by award-winning illustrator Zé Nuno Fraga.
We are delighted to be able to bring you this downloadable PDF of a full-color, 16” x 20” Marcus Aurelius poster designed by Zé Nuno Fraga, courtesy of St. Martin’s Press. Zé is the award-winning Portuguese illustrator, responsible for the artwork in our graphic novel, Verissimus: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius.
Our graphic novel, Verissimus: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius, was written for adults but an increasing number of people have told me their children have been reading it. They told me that their kids saw the cover, were intrigued by the artwork, and “stole” their copy. Some teachers have also approached me, interested in purchasing copies for their classes. They think it would make a useful teaching aid.
With Christmas approaching, I’ve been asked about its suitability as a gift for young people. In this post, I’ll try to give a comprehensive answer, inspired by the review site Common Sense Media, which I think does a great job of helping adults decide for themselves what’s appropriate for their children. The short answer is that I would rate this book PG-13 but I’ll explain below the aspects of which parents and teachers should be aware, in order to decide for themselves.
Happiness, serenity, and fulfillment, according to Stoicism, are all within your control.
We’re delighted to announce the new book written by Tim LeBon, with editor Kasey Pierce, 365 WAYS TO BE MORE STOIC, published by John Murray Press, is now available for preorder from all good bookstores! Check out the listing on Amazon or visit the publisher’s website for other online retailers.
We’re delighted to announce that our new graphic novel Verissimus: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius is currently among Amazon’s top-rated books in the Ancient Roman History category, with an average rating of 4.8 stars from nearly 100 reviewers.
On its release, Verissimus was chosen as an Amazon Editor’s Pick for Best History Book.
See our publisher, MacMillan’s website for more information and links to other booksellers. Verissimus is available in both hardback and ebook format from all good bookstores.