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Win Breakfast with Seneca
All attendees are eligible to enter our book giveaway! Three lucky winners will receive a copy of David Fideler’s acclaimed Breakfast with Seneca!
We will send a form to everyone’s email post event, asking for their name and full postal address to send the book should they be selected. You must fill out the form in order to be entered. Winners will be selected at random.
- “Seneca’s Philosophy as a Real World Pursuit”, David Fideler, author of Breakfast with Seneca
- James Romm, Professor of Classics at Bard College, author of Dying Every Day: Seneca at the Court of Nero
- “Following Nature: Reading Seneca During the Climate Crisis”, Christopher Star, Professor of Classics at Middlebury College, author of The Empire of the Self: Self-Command and Political Speech in Seneca and Petronius
- Lalya Lloyd, writer and classicist, Eton College, University College School
- Margaret Graver, Professor of Classics at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, author of Stoicism and Emotion and Seneca: The Literary Philosopher.
- More details to be confirmed soon!