People keep asking me for a practical guide to using Stoic exercises in daily life. So I went ahead and created one for you. It’s a free…
People keep asking me for a practical guide to using Stoic exercises in daily life. So I went ahead and created one for you. It’s a free email course consisting of six lessons — each one describes how to use a different psychological technique from ancient Stoicism. The goal is to help you build your emotional resilience and cope better with stress.
My latest Medium article provides an overview of the six practical exercises we chose to focus on.
Read “A Guide to Stoic Exercises” on Medium
The new email course goes into these in more depth. It will officially launch on Tuesday 27th July. However, as you’re a subscriber to our Stoicism — Philosophy as a Way of Life newsletter on Medium, I’ve decided to give you early access. If you choose to enroll now you can join our beta testers on the pilot version of the course — free of charge.
Enroll on A Guide to Stoic Exercises
You’re also invited to attend our launch webinar on Instagram Live, at 8.30pm EST on the 27th. Follow our verissimusgraphicnovel account on Instagram for notifications of the event.

Hope you enjoy the Medium article. Please feel free to comment on it with your thoughts and questions — and remember you can highlight, clap, or share. If you want more information please join us on 27th July for the free launch webinar — I look forward to seeing you there.

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