
That's okay, and your comment certainly didn't cause me any "distress" whatsoever.

The piece in fact opens by stressing “The Spartans had their critics and enemies, of course.” And it goes on to explain, e.g., among other…

That’s okay, and your comment certainly didn’t cause me any “distress” whatsoever. I was just correcting what seemed to be a possible misreading of the content. You said you disagreed with the article, which seemed to imply that you were (incorrectly) attributing those views to what I’d written.

The piece in fact opens by stressing “The Spartans had their critics and enemies, of course.” And it goes on to explain, e.g., among other things, that “Spartan justice often seems brutal by modern standards”, and that some of the views about virtue attributed to specific Spartans presumably weren’t shared by the rest of their society, etc., etc.

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