
That would be a valid objection on your part except that it’s easy to demonstrate that it’s not…

So I hear what you’re saying but it’s not my confusion — it’s just that you’re interpreting the word differently from the way that Peterson…

That would be a valid objection on your part except that it’s easy to demonstrate that it’s not what Peterson meant by “spurned”. You’re using the word, I think, to mean an individual who has been consistently spurned by different women throughout life. Fair enough. That’s not what Peterson is talking about, though. He says “First, he feels small, in front of the potential object of his love, after she denigrates his reproductive suitability” — he’s using the word “spurned” in the more usual sense whereby it refers to someone in a particular incident. He’s clearly says that this is how “every” man feels when spurned, not by all women, by individual women.

So I hear what you’re saying but it’s not my confusion — it’s just that you’re interpreting the word differently from the way that Peterson is actually using it in this passage.

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