I get a lot of enquiries from people asking “When is your book coming out in…?” So here’s the current list of translations. There may be more coming, though, this list is just how things stand at the moment.
The English edition of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius is currently available from Macmillan in hardback, paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats.

Now Available
- The Spanish translation, Piensa como un emperador romano, is now available from Planeta. (ISBN 6070767063)
- The Dutch translation, Leer denken als een Romeinse keizer, is available from Ten Have publishing. (ISBN 9789025907211)
- The Greek translation, Μάρκος Αυρήλιος: Σκέψου σαν Ρωμαίος αυτοκράτορας, is available from Dioptra publishing. (ISBN 9789606058578)
- The German translation, Denke wie ein römischer Herrscher, is available from FinanzBuch Verlag. (ISBN 9783959722513)
- The Italian translation, A dieci passi dalla felicità, is available from Edizioni Piemme. (ISBN 9788856672374)
- The Brazilian translation, Pense como um imperador, is available from Editora Citadel. (ISBN 6550470307)
- The Russian translation, Думай как римский император, is available from Eksmo. (ISBN 9785041131340)
- The Romanian translation, Cum sa gandesti ca un imparat roman, is available from Seneca Iulius Annaeus Publishing House, part of Asociatia SNK
- The Serbian translation, Marko Aurelije – filozofija stoicizma ili kako da razmišljate kao rimski imperator, is available from Kontrast (ISBN 9788660360986)
- The Croatian translation, Kako razmišlja car filozof, is now available from Planetopija (ISBN 978-953-257-457-9).
- The Turkish translation, Roma İmparatoru Gibi Düşünmek, is available from Beyaz Baykuş Yayınları (White Owl Publishing, part of the Destek group). (ISBN 9786254410895)
- The Persian translation is now available from Sang (Stone) publishing.
- The Vietnamese translation, NGHĨ NHƯ HOÀNG ĐẾ LA MÃ, is now available from NXB Trẻ.
- The Czech translation is now available from Audiolibrix.
- The Polish translation, Myśl jak rzymski cesarz, is now available from Onepress.
Coming Soon
- The Korean translation will be available from Golden Turtle.
- The Arabic translation is coming.
- Japanese translation is coming from CCC Media House.
- And other translations may become available over time…
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2 replies on “Translations of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor”
Any French version?
Hi, how can I purchase the Korean translation of your book? Thank you.