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Resilience: How to Thrive and Survive in Any Situation helps you to prepare for adversity by finding healthier ways of responding to stressful thoughts and feelings. You will learn a comprehensive toolkit of effective therapeutic strategies and techniques, drawing upon innovative ‘mindfulness and acceptance-based’ approaches to cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), combined with elements of established psychological approaches to stress prevention and management.
The book also draws upon classical Stoic philosophy to provide a wider context for resilience-building. This book is a complete course in resilience training, covering everything from building long-term resilience by developing psychological flexibility, mindfulness and valued action, through specific behavioural skills such as applied relaxation, worry postponement, problem-solving, and assertiveness.
Each chapter contains a self-assessment test, case study, practical exercises and reminder boxes and concludes with a reminder of the key points of the chapter (Focus Points) and a round-up of what to expect in the next (Next Step), which will whet your appetite for what’s coming and how it relates to what you’ve just read.

Peer Reviews
A quote from Marcus Aurelius near the start of the book sums it up for me:
“The human soul degrades itself above all, when it does its best to become an abscess, a kind of detached growth on the world. To be disgruntled at anything that happens is a kind of secession from Nature”.
It might seem reasonable to be worried or stressed or overwhelmed, but humans are designed to withstand almost any kind of pressure or setback.
The American entrepreneur Ping Fu’s world was thrown upside down when as a young girl Mao’s Cultural Revolution began. But just before she was told:
“There are three friends of winter: the pine tree [strength], the plum blossom [courage], and bamboo [resilience]. When you are like the three friends of winter, you take everything in your stride with grace”.
Robertson’s book provides useful ideas, tips and strategies for actually being able to achieve this.
-T. Butler-Bowdon
Customer Reviews
Great Advice
Very helpful advice on building your resilience, drawing from various therapies including ACT and CBT.I particularly like the final chapter, which briefly explains the ancient philosophy of Stoicism and how it relates to modern psychotherapy.
—John G.
Brought me back down to earth
This book helped me focus on true core values and get in touch with why emotions seem to rule too often. “Resilience”gives me helpful practical tools to stay in touch with the moment I’m in. We don’t have anything else except this moment. The book makes complicated therapy techniques available for the reader to use without going to a therapist. —S.O.L.
Really helpful step by step course through a journey we all need to take Amazing book. Very thoughtfully written. Extremely helpful, an undercovered gem.
- ISBN-10 : 1473679524
- ISBN-13 : 978-1473679528